Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Why We Need Includers

March 18, 2024 Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio

Transformation Tip: “An open door is a welcome that makes a stranger into a friend”

  • This week’s strength: Includer 
    • Accept others 
    • Show awareness to those who are left out 
    • Desire to increase the circle 
    • Build a sense of community 
    • Can tell you when you might be missing 
      • What or who can be added to this
  • Needs 
    • A high need to feel included 
  • Blindspots when overused
    • If they see others not including people, they can become judgemental of them 
      • Want everyone to value the things they do
    • Include too many people
      • This may slow down the process
      • Unnecessary complicatedness
  • Good positions for them  
    • Wellcome groups 
    • Orientation positions

Transformation Application: Think about your workplace or an environment you are often in, think about someone who is excluded, and practice your inclusion. 

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