Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Prioritize, Then Act

Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio Season 4

Transformation Tip:  “If you aim at nothing you’re sure to hit it”

This week’s talent: Focus

People exceptionally talented in the Focus theme can take a direction, follow through and make the corrections necessary to stay on track. 

Intrinsic needs:

  • Clear and compelling destination and goals 
  • Clear order of priorities 
  • An environment free from constant distractions

Potential blindspots:

  • Those with this strength may focus so intently on their work that they don’t notice when goals and priorities change. 
  • When absorbed in something, they may be slow to respond to others’ immediate needs and appear emotionally distant. 

Relating to someone with this strength:

  • They need little supervision and work well independently
  • They make great meeting administrators 
  • Involve this person on projects with critical deadlines.  
  • Don’t expect them to be sensitive to others feelings

Transformation Application:

  • List three things you want to get done this week.
  • Now PRIORITIZE them
  • Tackle the most important first and avoid distractions

Focus Prioritization Resource:

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