Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Are You An Achiever?

April 15, 2024 Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio

Transformation Tip: “Just do it” - Nike 

This week’s strength: Achiever 

  • Hard worker 
  • Take satisfaction in being busy and productive 
  • Loves to make a list and check off items on that list 
  • Gets stuff done 

Intrinsic needs:

  • Balance
  • Work
  • Resting 
  • Hobbies
  • Relationships 
  • Periodically celebrate achievements 

Blind spots 

  • Judge those who don't work as hard as they do 
  • Can be seen as too demanding 
  • You might take on projects before you know how much work it is

 If you know someone who is an achiever: 

  •  understand that these people like to be busy. Don't try to impose your way on them
  • Build a shoulder-to-shoulder relationship with them by working hard next to them
  • Help guide them prioritize

Transformation Application: If achiever is one of your strengths, take at least 30 minutes this week to celebrate something you've accomplished.  If you know someone who is an achiever, encourage them to also celebrate their wins and smell the roses.

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