Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Optimizing The Way You Think (Part 1)

Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio Season 4 Episode 38

Transformation Tip: "Every action is rooted in the thought that produced it. Your starting point will dictate your finishing point" - Graham Cooke

The Thinking Wavelength Assessment: 

On a scale from 1-10, how well do you NATURALLY react when having to deal with the following

  • Risk
  • Change
  • Variables
  • Sequencing
  • Ambiguity

Link to Thinking Wavelength assessment and results:

Transformation Application: Take the test and see whether the number resonates with you. Did your number resonate with you? Think about 2-3 times you were operating in your thinkwave - how did it make you feel? Did you feel you were thriving and in your element?

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