Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Optimizing the Way You Think (Part 2)

Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio Season 4 Episode 39

Transformation Tip: ”Tolerance, intercession, and respect for the way different people think is what makes humanity beautiful." — Aung San Suu Kyi

Link to Thinking Wave Length assessment and results:

Keys to be Successful in Using your Wavelength

  • People generally cannot change their thinking wavelength, regardless of the amount or type of training received. 
  • You will tend to work best with people who are 1.5 points on either side of you. 
  • You are able to operate 1 - 1.5 points from your equilibrium number
  • Working beyond 1.5 – 2 points from your number will create friction, frustration, depression, and burnout. 
  • ​​Concrete Thinkers pop the bubble of abstract thinkers by focusing on why or the potential problems. 

Transformation Application: How satisfied are you with your work?  On a scale of low-med-high.  If you’re low to medium, could it be because you’re misaligned with your thinking wavelength score?  Do some reflection.

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