Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete
Transform Your Life with Steve and Pete provides practical wisdom to help you discover your identity, reject false mindsets, and align with your destiny and purpose. Steve and Pete are both executive life and leadership coaches with years of experience helping people become their best selves.
Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete
Leadership Matters: Resolution vs. Conflict
Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio
Season 4
Episode 46
Transformation Tip: “The aim of argument and discussion, should not be victory, but progress.” – Joseph Joubert
- We all face times of conflict
- Although crises can be seen as catastrophic, they also provide opportunities for growth
- Recognize that conflict may appear even on a healthy team
- Working through conflict successfully will strengthen your leadership and team
- Beware of being conflict-averse
- Confrontation works best if you have developed your CONNECTION skills.
- Avoid viewing conflict as dangerous, as this results in a defensive approach which often escalates the situation
- Be quick to confront, without being reactive. Seek to avoid conflict through clear and timely communication
- Strike 3 process (Mistake - Warning - Act)
A Framework for Healthy Confrontation:
1) Go in peace
2) Speak value to the individual
3) Seek clarity and context
4) Explain your perspective
5) Take responsibility
6) Seek an agreeable solution
Transformation Application: Are there any conflicts that you have been avoiding?
Set an appointment to have that conversation. Use the 6 steps (or 3 strikes)
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