Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Leadership Matters: Resolution vs. Conflict

Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio Season 4 Episode 46

Transformation Tip: “The aim of argument and discussion, should not be victory, but progress.” – Joseph Joubert


  • We all face times of conflict
  • Although crises can be seen as catastrophic, they also provide opportunities for growth
  • Recognize that conflict may appear even on a healthy team 
  • Working through conflict successfully will strengthen your leadership and team
  • Beware of being conflict-averse 


  • Confrontation works best if you have developed your CONNECTION skills.
  • Avoid viewing conflict as dangerous, as this results in a defensive approach which often escalates the situation
  • Be quick to confront, without being reactive. Seek to avoid conflict through clear and timely communication
  • Strike 3 process (Mistake - Warning - Act)

A Framework for Healthy Confrontation:

1) Go in peace

2) Speak value to the individual

3) Seek clarity and context

4) Explain your perspective

5) Take responsibility

6) Seek an agreeable solution

Transformation Application: Are there any conflicts that you have been avoiding?

Set an appointment to have that conversation.  Use the 6 steps (or 3 strikes)

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