Transform Your Life With Steve and Pete

Overcoming Disruption with Alia Eyres

Steve Chua and Pete Cafarchio Season 5 Episode 4

Welcome Alia Eyres!

In this episode, we sit down with Alia Eyres, the former CEO of Mother's Choice, to talk about navigating major life transitions. Alia shares the key indicators that signaled it was time for a change, the pivotal moment that led her to take the leap, and the emotions she faced stepping into a new chapter. She also offers insight into how she processed her last season to transition well and gives practical advice for those considering a big change.

Transformation Application (Pick one of these steps to focus on this week):

1. Be alone - solitude

2. Be selective - choose objective counsel

3. Do not force the next thing - be open and flexible - close one chapter before starting the next one. 

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